A workation as the ultimate reward for your team

Imane Baza
22 May 2023
4 minutes reading time

In recent years there has been a growing trend: the corporate workout! How cool is it to take your team to an awesome place far away from everyday office life? Think beautiful beaches, breathtaking mountains or trendy cities. While they are at work, they can enjoy the beautiful surroundings. It’s a great incentive, a great way to reward your employees for their hard work. Instead of a standard bonus or a predictable company outing, give them an experience they will never forget. A workation is the ultimate reward for your team.

Improved productivity during a working vacation

A workstation improves employee productivity. We make sure you have everything you need to be productive, including good wifi, comfortable workstations and ample meeting space. We offer this in all of our accommodations. Door te werken in een andere omgeving, krijgen medewerkers een nieuw perspectief en meer creativiteit. Ook de afwezigheid van afleidingen zoals thuis of op kantoor verhoogt de focus. Als resultaat leveren medewerkers betere kwaliteit werk.

Strengthened team spirit through a workation

A workation provides a unique opportunity for employees to get to know each other better and work together in an informal setting. Being in a new place together, sharing new experiences and facing challenges creates a close bond between colleagues. It also leads to more open communication and better cooperation in the future. Employees can also help each other with tasks they would not otherwise perform, and gain new skills as a result. This is a great opportunity for the whole team, isn’t it?

Better work-life balance

A workation offers a perfect balance between work and relaxation. It’s not called a work vacation for nothing, a combo of both. Employees can work during the day, while in the evenings and weekends they have the chance to relax and explore the local area. This leads to less stress and burnout symptoms, which in turn leads to higher motivation and commitment to work in the long run. Working Remotely is happy to help you create a balanced program for your working vacation abroad.

Stronger attachment to the company

A corporate trip increases employee loyalty and commitment to the company. By sharing a unique experience, employees feel more connected to their colleagues and the organization. A workation creates shared experiences and memories that take place outside the work environment. Whether it’s discovering new cultures, doing activities together or overcoming challenges at the destination. These shared experiences create a sense of belonging. This will be discussed with each other long after the workation.

Appreciation for good performance

A workation serves as the ultimate belonging for your team and is a token of appreciation for employees who have performed well. This creates a positive impact on employee motivation and encourages them to continue performing in the same way. It is an ideal incentive for your staff and a lot more original than the usual staff outing.

A remote work adventure gives your team a chance to take a break from the daily grind and enjoy a different environment. An energy boost and appreciation for you as an employer. Rewarding your team in this way may just make all the difference when choosing an employer. Especially at a time when jobs are up for grabs and your competition is trying hard to poach talent.

In short, a company trip abroad is a very effective way to reward employee performance. It improves productivity, strengthens team spirit and provides a better work-life balance. It increases loyalty and shows appreciation for outstanding performance. So, consider rewarding your team with a workation and view our locations. Een geweldige manier om waardering te tonen!

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