*English below

Would you like to list your accommodation on this website?

From September 2024, we can share your accommodation with our community. Post your accommodation now on workingremotely.nl, the platform for workations for Dutch people. This global offering is aimed at travelers (individuals and groups) who want to work remotely.

They are looking for an inspiring environment and good workplace, where they can relax and discover their destiny after their working day. It is the ideal combination of working and vacationing. You can list your beautiful location on our website from as little as $299. We also offer several opportunities for additional promotions, such as on our social media channels and in the newsletter.

Request more information here


You want to publish your venue on our website?

Since September 2024 we can share your accommodation with our community. We can promote your accommodation on workingremotely.nl, the platform for workations for Dutch people. This worldwide offer of venues is made for travelers (individuals and groups) that want to work remotely.

They are looking for an inspirational environment and a good workplace, where they can relax and explore after their workday. It’s the ideal combination of working and holiday. You can put your venue on our website starting from € 299. We also offer extra promotions, like social media exposure and our newsletter.

Request more information here