How to retain staff with workations

Alieke Ingerman
19 June 2023
3 minutes reading time

Attracting and retaining talented employees is a challenge for many companies. Employees are looking for more than just an attractive salary and fringe benefits. They want a good work-life balance, professional development and a positive work culture. One way to meet these needs is through workations, a combination of work and vacation. Also called work vacations. In this blog, we talk about how this corporate travel can help with staff retention and how companies can benefit.

Work-life balance

Workations and remote working offer employees the opportunity to work from a location other than the office or home, often in an attractive environment. Usually even abroad. By giving employees the freedom to work in locations that inspire them, they will improve their work-life balance and enjoy their work more. Creating a flexible work environment leads to higher satisfaction among your staff.

Increased motivation and productivity during your workation

A new environment increases employee motivation and high productivity. Breaking the daily routine and working in an inspiring environment also encourages more creativity and new ideas. Employees will be more motivated to complete their tasks and will show more commitment to their work because they are in a different location. This not only increases productivity, but also creates a positive work atmosphere.

Strengthen teamwork and connection during a working vacation

You can also go on a workation with your whole company or with your team! Workations offer the opportunity to organize team-building activities and strengthen the bond between colleagues. Such a working vacation is often in a nice sunny environment. You can embark on a unique work adventure together. Working Remotely is happy to help you organize this.

By working together in a relaxed environment, employees get to know each other better and build stronger bonds. This improves communication, cooperation and a sense of belonging within the team. Employees feel more connected to the company and are therefore less likely to transfer to other employers. Especially in this day and age, where competition will welcome them with open arms.

Personal and professional development

In addition to providing relaxation and fun, a working vacation also provides personal and professional development. A unique remote working adventure is a boost to your self-confidence.

If you go with your business then you can use a work station to host workshops, training sessions or presentations.

This allows you to increase your employees’ skills and knowledge, combined with a cool adventure. This shows that the company is investing in the work happiness and growth of its employees, which increases their commitment and loyalty.

Positive impact on employer brand

Offering work vacations as an employee benefit creates a positive impact on a company’s employer brand. It shows potential employees that the company values the well-being and development of its employees. This can be a competitive advantage in attracting new talent and retaining existing staff.

Employee retention is a challenge many companies face. Workations provide an effective way to keep employees happy. By improving work-life balance, increasing motivation and productivity, enhancing teamwork and connection, ensuring more professional development and strengthening employer brand, companies can improve staff well-being.

Workations are a win-win situation, where employees can enjoy the combination of work and vacation, while companies benefit from a motivated and loyal workforce. It’s the ultimate company outing, with substance. Also read the blog about Employ workation for employer branding. Working Remotely has a large network of accommodations perfect for your corporate trip, send us a message for more information.

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